The Institute for Spatial Development (hereinafter also ‘the Institute’) was established in 1994. It is a government department established by the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic.
The purpose of the establishment of the Institute for Spatial Development was the provision of a professional background and assistance plus the exercising of certain competences for which the founder is responsible. It operates mainly in the fields of spatial planning, building regulations and regional policy.
Operations of the Institute for Spatial Development in relation to the Building Act include:
- addressing conceptual issues of theory and practice in the area of spatial development, urban planning and architecture;
- running the Construction and Technical Prevention System, proposals of technical requirements for buildings, their continuous update and assessment of causes of accident or participation in it when these are of significant concern to the public interest by their extent or repeated consequences;
- providing evidence of town and country planning activities.
Operations of the Institute for Spatial Development in relation to Government Resolutions include:
- ensuring policies designated for the founder and the Institute within the Architecture and Building Culture Policy of the Czech Republic;
- cooperation on the fulfilment of tasks arising for the founder within the framework of the Spatial Development Policy of the Czech Republic, including the necessary spatial development materials;
- cooperation on processing materials for analysis of the condition in the area of spatial planning and building regulations.
It performs tasks arising from international obligations, in particular:
- providing materials for cooperation in the area of spatial development of the V4+2 countries;
- providing for activities of the Czech National Contact Point of the ESPON program (European Spatial Planning Observation Network).
In performance of its activities, the Institute for Spatial Development provides for the following outputs in particular:
- Evidence of spatial planning activities in the Czech Republic – activities on the basis of Section (§) 11 and Section (§) 16 of Act no. 183/2006 Sb., regulating town and country planning and the building code (Building Act), as amended.
- Construction and Technical Prevention System – activities based on Section (§) 16 of the Building Act.
- Analysis of state administration performance in building regulations and spatial planning – activities based on Government Resolution no. 774 for the Analysis of State Administration Performance in Building Regulations and Spatial Planning, dated 19 October 2011.
- Spatial Development Policy of the Czech Republic and the necessary spatial planning materials. The Institute for Spatial Development was involved in Update no. 1 of this national spatial planning tool. Its cooperation in relation to the performance of tasks pursuant to this document is ongoing; it coordinates their performance in accordance with Section (§) 11 of the Building Act. The Institute for Spatial Development processes the spatial analytical materials of the Czech Republic.
- Architecture and Building Culture Policy of the Czech Republic. The Institute for Spatial Development, in cooperation with the Ministry for Regional Development and other subjects, has prepared a strategic document for promotion of the development of architecture and building culture. The Institute is included among the institutions that fulfil the objectives of this policy within selected regulations.
- Consultation Centre for the Building Law in the area of Spatial Planning. The Institute provides consultation and methodological assistance for performance of tasks pursuant to the activities of the Institute and external sources. One of the outputs is a web application called 1000 Questions on the Building Law.
- Portal of Spatial Planning – an open, continuously updated system of references to relevant information in the field of spatial planning and spatial development, arising from the activities of the Institute and external sources. It serves as a meeting platform for selected institutions, staff of the public administration and local authorities, and the general public.
- Dictionary of Spatial Development – continuously updated catalog of terms and definitions of spatial planning and related fields.
- It prepares regular updates for web handbooks, which support and provide necessary information for the state administration, local authorities, and the professional and lay public – Land Use Limits, Authorities Involved in the Process of Spatial Planning, Principles and Rules of Spatial Planning, Average Prices of Transport and Technical Infrastructure.
- It publishes the peer-reviewed journal Urbanismus a územní rozvoj (Urban Planning and Spatial Development), determined for the needs of urban planning authorities and the professional public. The peer-reviewed journal has been published since 1998 and is issued six times a year. The journal includes two regular annexes, ‘The Procurer’s Practice’ and ‘Building Administration Practice’, plus special, occasional monothematic annexes.
- It manages a specialized library for the needs of the Institute, the Ministry of Regional Development and the general public. It maintains a library database, which is published on the websites.
- The Institute is the Czech National Contact Point of the ESPON program (European Spatial Planning Observation Network). It is involved in international cooperation and international activities which include the Common Spatial Development Strategy of the V4+2 countries.
- It provides methodological assistance to draw subsidies from the national program Support for spatial planning activities of municipalities and updates the information for Integrated Regional Operational Programme, managed by the Ministry of Regional Development.
Contact details
Address: Institute for Spatial Development, Jakubské nám. 3, 602 00 Brno
Phone: +420 542 423 111
Information leaflet – Institute for Spatial Development (letak-uur-08-2017.pdf, 1 147 kB)